Norway end to end. 2700km in 120 days.
The Norway End to End expedition is the culmination of a 35 year love affair with Norway. For Conrad and Hilary Dickinson this beautiful country has provided them with some of their fondest memories. The Norge på langs, a route that spans the entire length of Norway, from Lindesnes in the south to Nordkapp in the north (a mere 2700km), is their pilgrimage through this stunning country.
Their aims are simple: To enjoy, engage and explore the delights of Norway – whilst hopefully raising some money for their chosen charity. They will be raising money for the Northumberland Wildlife Trust and you can read more about that here.
They will also be the first British couple to complete this epic route (and possibly the oldest), should they be successful. To make this more of a challenge, they will be attempting this route in winter. They begin their journey on 5 Jan 2016 with an expected arrival in Nordkapp on 30 April 2016.
The Norge på langs has only been completed approx. 64 times* in winter (source: in its 64 year history.
You will be able to follow their epic pilgrimage on this website via our live tracking page, a daily/ weekly blog and some picture updates.