D62 (3), 11 March 11 2016

Uphill into Sweden

We decided to ski into Sweden to get a feel for the Sylan mountains and this also gives Ian an extra day to learn new skiing skills before we have to take on longer days. The weather couldn't have been nicer with a clear sky and warm. It was an experience to ski across a frozen river into Sweden. We past a weather vane that was attached to a bell, that could ring during windy weather. The apparatus was located next to an emergency shelter, so people could find it in inclement weather via the bell ringing. Today was a day of ascent and we went up and up until we came to the iconic cabin at the top of a mountain. It had hot water so clothes washing was a priority!!!. It's kind of strange feeling as if you are starting the trip again, so I'm having to mentally readjust to a new beginning. As we approach Easter the cabins are becoming more crowded, which is different from January and February. Ian is settling into his blog posts viewed through the eyes of a relative newcomer to back- country skiing.